Airbound Park



The safety and well-being of our Guests and Team Members are our top priorities. Click below to discover the steps we’re taking to ensure a clean and safe environment



  • Always participate at your own risk. Flips and other tricks can be dangerous
  • Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks
  • Always empty your pockets entirely before jumping. Remove all jewelry including earrings, necklaces, and rings. No belt buckles, keys, or key chains
  • Always walk on and off the courts.
  • Always be in control of your body at all times. No aggressive behavior
  • Always master the fundamentals of single trampoline jumping before moving onto more advanced skills, such as aerial or flipping type skills
  • Always land on two feet. Bend your knees to stop your bounce
  • Always bounce on the center of the trampoline
  • Always land on the closest trampoline when bouncing and flipping off of trampoline side walls
  • Always be aware of those around you and jump with people that are of similar age/size
  • Always prevent collisions
  • Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions

Do Not

  • Do not sit or lie down
  • Do not land on safety pads
  • Do not land on your head or neck
  • Do not try dangerous tricks
  • Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in anyway
  • Do not double flip
  • Do not do more than two single flips in a row
  • Do not have anything in your mouth while jumping (gum, candy, food, drink, etc.)
  • Do not run or race across the trampoline courts
  • Do not push or tackle
  • Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads
  • Do not throw balls at another jumper’s head or neck area
  • Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint
  • Do not jump if a Team Member is not present
  • Do not take unnecessary risks
  • Do not jump from trampolines to decking
  • Do not dive headfirst into foam pits
  • Do not attempt gainers


Everyone that enters a court or activity must have completed and signed a valid waiver

Guests/Participants that are under 18 must have it completed and signed by their parent, legal guardian, or someone with power of attorney

Prior to participating, all guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility to ensure the following:

  • Everyone’s waivers are properly executed
  • Everyone has viewed the rules
  • Everyone has read the rules signs posted
  • Everyone must have valid jump or activity time before entering any trampoline court or activity
  • Everyone completely understands and agrees to follow all rules and Team Member instructions
  • Everyone is in good health without restrictions
  • Everyone’s personal items such as eye wear, hearing aids, braces, prosthetic devices, watches, phones, cameras, are secure, impact resistant and suitable for use in a demanding sports environment
  • Everyone is aware of those around you. It is your responsibility to avoid others
  • No guns, knives, sharp objects, or weapons of any kind are allowed on premises
  • Remember your physical limitations
  • Follow all posted rules and directions given by staff members
  • No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is allowed


  • Serious injury, paralysis or death can occur even if all rules are followed
  • Activities and dodgeball games may involve individuals of different sizes, ages, and abilities. Participate at your own risk
  • Guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility for their actions and conduct
  • Guests and accompanying adults must follow all park rules and Team Member instructions at all times
  • Guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility to ensure that personal property including cameras and cell phones are not lost, stolen or damaged
  • Team Members reserve the right to relocate guests and accompanying adults to a different court, activity or area at any time
  • Non compliance to rules or Team Member instructions may result in the loss of access privileges
  • Wear park approved grip socks
  • Follow all weight, height and/or age restrictions posted


  • Safety signs are posted throughout the park. Our staff will gladly remind you of these rules should you happen to “forget” while flying.
  • Flight Crew members are stationed throughout the arena to enforce safety rules. They also assist in the event of injury.
  • Routine safety inspections are conducted to ensure that all equipment is in proper condition.
  • We aim to cover all springs between trampoline mats to help prevent accidents.
  • All posts in the arena have padded coverings to protect participants from injury.
  • Arena netting is strategically placed to separate attractions and safeguard steel framework.
  • Our foam pits are engineered to ensure that jumpers enjoy a clear pathway to the foam. All foam is regularly cleaned and circulated.
  • Our trampoline mats, pads, and decking surfaces are cleaned and disinfected daily.


Play at your own risk and for your own safety always follow all park rules!


Always ensure that a maximum of two people are on the wall at once
Always land feet first
Always tie back and secure long hair
Always remove loose items, including jewelry, watches, scarves and drawstrings
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always descend in a controlled manner
Always be aware of others around you
Always ensure you meet the weight requirements: 40 lbs. – 250 lbs. (18 kg – 113 kg)
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always wear grip socks


Do not land on head, neck or stomach
Do not hang upside down
Do not climb directly above or below another guest
Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level
Do not climb if a Team Member is not present
Do not participate if you have any injuries to back, neck, shoulder, arm, or broken bones
Do not participate if you have heart problems
Do not climb to the extent that your feet are more than 8 feet off the ground
Do not rough house or horseplay in the climbing area


Always stay in control of the jousting stick
Always be paired with competitors of like sizes
Always stay within your set of markers on the beam
Always stop play when your body touches the foam
Always last person standing wins


Do not hit competitor in the head, face, neck or groin
Do not spear or jab
Do not dive or land on your neck or stomach
Do not step outside your set of markers on the beam
Do not flip off beam
Do not swing the jousting stick above the head
Do not intentionally throw jousting pole
Do not hit your opponent once they are down
Do not run toward your opponent


Air Bags – Always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom
Foam Pits – Always land feet first and knees apart
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always be aware of those around you and nearby obstacles at all times
Always perform at your own risk.
Always tie back and secure long hair
Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always remove loose items such as jewelry, watches, scarves and drawstrings
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions


Do not land on your head or neck
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not attempt flips or advanced aerial maneuvers
Do not hang upside down
Do not push, tackle, or engage in horseplay of any kind
Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level
Do not make contact with other guests or staff
Do not climb or make contact with any part of the support structure
Do not enter if a Team Member is not present


Always raise your hand when you are ready to be clipped in or out of a belay
Always wait for a Team Member to clip and unclip you from a belay
Always raise your hand when you need help
Always be aware of your surroundings
Always let go of the wall and sit back in your harness with your feet against the wall, when you are ready to come down
Always stand outside of landing zones


Do not climb unless you are wearing a harness and a Team Member has clipped you into a belay
Do not clip or unclip your own belay. Always ask a Team Member for help
Do not operate any of the belays or activities without assistance
Do not stand in or run through landing zones
Do not hold on to the wall when coming down. Let go of the wall and sit back in your harness
Do not hang upside down


Always participate at your own risk. Flips and other tricks can be dangerous
Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks
Always empty your pockets entirely before jumping. Remove all jewelry including earrings, necklaces, and rings. No belt buckles, keys, or key chains
Always walk on and off the courts.
Always be in control of your body at all times. No aggressive behavior
Always master the fundamentals of single trampoline jumping before moving onto more advanced skills, such as aerial or flipping type skills
Always land on two feet. Bend your knees to stop your bounce
Always bounce on the center of the trampoline
Always land on the closest trampoline when bouncing and flipping off of trampoline side walls
Always be aware of those around you and jump with people that are of similar age/size
Always prevent collisions
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions


Do not sit or lie down
Do not land on safety pads
Do not land on your head or neck
Do not try dangerous tricks
Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in anyway
Do not double flip
Do not do more than two single flips in a row
Do not have anything in your mouth while jumping (gum, candy, food, drink, etc.)
Do not run or race across the trampoline courts
Do not push or tackle
Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads
Do not throw balls at another jumper’s head or neck area
Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint
Do not jump if a Team Member is not present
Do not take unnecessary risks
Do not jump from trampolines to decking
Do not dive headfirst into foam pits
Do not attempt gainers

Each team begins the game with an equal amount of balls & players
Two teams start on opposite back walls
Play begins when a Team Member signals to start
To eliminate a player, you must hit him/her with a ball or catch a ball he/she has thrown
First team to completely eliminate the opposing players team wins
NO head shots or any unsportsmanlike conduct – THIS IS AN INSTANT OUT
If you are hit – YOU ARE OUT
If a ball you throw is caught – YOU ARE OUT
If you cross the center line – YOU ARE OUT
If the referee calls you out – YOU ARE OUT
Once a ball hits a non-human object IT IS DEAD
You may deflect a ball coming towards you by using a ball in your hands
Once you are out, you may return to the line and wait for the next game
Players are allowed to retrieve a ball from the trampoline line dividing each side
No suicide throws
If a teammate catches an opposing player’s throw, one teammate who has been out the longest may return to the game
A player hit in the head while ducking or dodging is out
You may block a throw with a ball you are holding, however, you are still out if: The hit causes you to drop the ball, The ball deflects off the the ball you are holding and still hits you and, Your teammate blocks a hit but it deflects off your teammate ball and hits you
Tournament and league play are subject to rule changes
Once a player is hit they must exit the court
Each game has a time limit
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions


Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always watch for cross traffic
Always stay off of the tops of all vertical trampoline beds
Always be aware of age and size of others playing dodgeball
Always exit the court when you are out


Do not throw a ball past the dividing court line
Do not throw at the head
Do not exceed maximum court capacity
Do not fight, rough play or be overly aggressive
Do not sit or lie on the trampoline courts
Do not throw or kick the ball if you are out of play
Do not double bounce
Do not dive for the ball or block a ball
Do not kick the dodgeball


Air Bags – Always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom
Foam Pits – Always land feet first and knees apart
Always tie back and secure long hair
Always remove loose items, including jewelry, watches, scarves, and drawstrings
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always descend in a controlled manner
Always be aware of others around you


Do not land on head, neck or stomach
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not hang upside down
Do not climb above another guest
Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level
Do not climb if a Team Member is not present

Specialty lighting and special effects may reduce your ability to judge your position for proper landing. Use extreme caution when participating anytime specialty lighting and special effects are in use
Strobes and flashing lights may adversely affect people that are prone to seizures
Use extreme caution walking on floors, steps, ramps, platforms and pads at all times
A valid waiver is required for all persons entering the park during Glow


Always remove street shoes and wear the park grip socks
Always empty your pockets and tie long hair back
Always report any concerns about the equipment to a Team Member
Always follow all court rules and Team Member instructions
Always loosen up with exercises and stretches and practice being in control of your bounce before using Dodge Attack
Always jump so you land with both feet at the same time
Always participate one at a time
Always rest on the platforms if you need to take a break
Always, children under 7 must be supervised by an adult


Do not double flip, triple flip or attempt gainers
Do not distract other Guests while they are using Dodge Attack
Do not attempt any activity beyond your skill level
Do not wear loose clothing or anything that has a hard or sharp point


Always stay in control of the jousting stick
Always be paired with competitors of like sizes
Always stay on your Bosu ball
Always stop play when your body touches foam
Always last person standing wins


Do not hit competitor in the head, face or groin
Do not spear or jab
Do not dive or lang on your neck or stomach
Do not step onto a competitor’s Bosu ball
Do not flip off the pedestal
Do not swing the jousting stick above the head
Do not hit your opponent once they are down


Air Bags – Always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom
Foam Pits – Always land feet first and knees apart
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always be aware of those around you and nearby obstacles at all times
Always perform at your own risk
Always secure loose hair and drawstrings prior to participation
Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always empty your pockets entirely and remove loose items such as jewelry, watches
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions


Do not land on your head or neck
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not attempt flips or advanced aerial maneuvers
Do not hang upside down
Do not push, tackle, or engage in horseplay of any kind
Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level
Do not make contact with other guests or staff
Do not climb or make contact with any part of the support structure
Do not enter if a Team Member is not present


Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always remove jewelry and sharp objects
Always empty your pockets
Always land feet first and knees apart
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always perform tricks at your own risk
Always control your decent from the silk to the foam below


Do not land on your head or neck
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not tie knots in the silks
Do not climb higher than the top of the silk
Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level
Do not participate if a Team Member is not present
Do not slide down silks
Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.)
Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind


Always remove jewelry, scarves, watches, objects from pockets, large buckles or any other loose objects or clothing before participation
Always tie back and secure long hair back
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always be aware of your surroundings
Always wait for a Team Member to clip/unclip you from the course
Always continue to move forward through the course
Always call for a Team Member if you need assistance
Always wait for the guest in front of you to complete an element before starting


Do not participate unless you are wearing a harness and clipped into the course
Do not return to an element behind you
Do not take food or drinks onto the course
Do not clip/unclip yourself form the course, always ask a Team Member for help
Do not come into contact with any other guest on the course


All participants must be at least 5 feet tall and weigh less than 260 pounds.


Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always remove jewelry and any other sharp objects
Always wait for a Team Member to be present before using Sky Tower
Always one person at a time
Always maintain control of your body at all times
Always be aware of others around you
Always wait for others to exit the landing area before jumping
Always land on your back or your bum
Always exit the foam promptly


Do not land on head neck or stomach
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not flip
Do not jump from the top and land on the platform or ground
Do not getting a running start at the top of the tower
Do not linger in the fall areas
Do not participate if a Team Member is not present
Do not jump if other guests are present in the landing area


Always empty your pockets before entering Slam. No sharp or unauthorized objects allowed on court
Always attempt dunks/shots at YOUR OWN RISK
Always one person per lane
Always be aware of your landing position
Always land on both feet near the center of the trampoline
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions


Do not land on your head or neck
Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in any way
Do not attempt anything beyond your ability level
Do not perform flips on Slam
Do not hang on the rim
Do not bounce off the back wall or netting
Do not touch any part of the basketball backboard or netting
Do not jump if a Team Member is not present


Always supervise your children
Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always observe all minimum and maximum height and age requirements
Always slide one at a time in a forward seated position, feet first
Always notify management of any problems or concerns


Do not push or rough-house
Do not climb on or up the slide
Do not land on your head or neck
Do not participate if a Team Member is not present
Do not bring food, gum or beverage onto the play area
Do not slide head first on slides
Do not have 2 or more people sliding together
Do not run in the play area
Do not bring toys into the play area
Do not play if the equipment is wet
Do not wear loose-fitting clothing, hoodies, dangling or loose jewelry


Always land on back/bottom or as flat as possible
Always aim for the center of the airbag when jumping
Always stay in designated lanes
Always exit promptly using the closest designated exit after landing
Always exit as instructed by a Team Member
Always be aware of those guests around you
Always remove jewelry or any sharp objects
Always empty pockets before jumping


Do not perform back flips or gainers
Do not land on your head or neck or face first
Do not dive or pencil dive or belly flop
Do not jump until instructed by a Team Member
Do not jump if airbag alarm is sounding
Do not jump is airbag is deflated
Do not jump until previous jumper has exited the airbag


Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always remove jewelry and any other sharp objects
Always wait for a Team Member to be present before using Stunt Fall
Always one person at a time
Always land on the airbag on your back or your seat
Always exit the airbag promptly


Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not land on your feet
Do not land on your head, neck or stomach
Do not jump from the top and land on the platform or ground
Do not perform flips or tricks
Do not jump if another guests is in the landing area
Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind
Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.)

Always remove street shoes and wear grip socks
Always empty your pockets entirely
Always walk on and off the court
Always be aware of those around you and jump with people who are of a similar age/size
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always follow the route indicated by the colored arrows
Always discontinue jumping if a guest enters your trampoline space until the guest has exited your space
Always check for other guests before coming down from a structure


Do not land on your head or neck
Do not double bounce or effect another jumper’s bounce in any way
Do not jump off an obstacle unless you can jump onto it without using your hands
Do not jump off any structure that is taller than you
Do not attempt any flips, tricks or stunts or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities, or skill level
Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.)
Do not sit or lie on any part of the court or structures. If you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the court
Do not push, tackle, race, or engage in horseplay of any kind
Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint
Do not double flip off a structure
Do not do more than two single flips in a row
Do not jump if a Team Member is not present


Always supervise your child from the platform area
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always encourage your child to stay in his/her own space


Do not play in the Kid’s Court if you are over 6 years of age.
Do not leave your child unsupervised
Do not perform flips or tricks
Do not roughhouse in this area


Airbags – Always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom
Foam Pits – Always land feet first and knees a part
Nets – Land on your back or bum with arms and legs close to you
Always be in control of your body
Always be aware of those around you and nearby obstacles at all times
Always participate at your own risk
Always secure loose hair and drawstrings prior to participation
Always remove street shoes and wear approved grip socks
Always follow park rules and Team Member instructions
Always wait for the Guest in front of you to complete an element before starting


Do not land your head or neck
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not attempt flips or advanced aerial maneuvers
Do not hang upside down
Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind
Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level
Do not make contact with other guests or staff
Do not climb or make contact with any part of the support structure
Do not climb above the course
Do not enter if a Team Member is not present


Always remove shoes and wear park grip socks
Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always remove jewelry and sharp objects and empty your pockets
Always remain in control of your body at all times
Always be aware of those around you and participate with guests of similar size
Always follow the rules of the game being played and use only the equipment designated by the Team Member


Do not land on your head, neck or stomach
Do not attempt any skill or activity beyond your limitations or abilities
Do not hang on the netting, rims or goal posts
Do not push tackle, race or engage in horseplay of any kind
Do not double-flip or do more than two single flips in a row
Do not throw balls or other equipment used for games at another guest’s head, neck or groin
Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.)
Do not participate if a Team Member is not present
Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint


Always follow all park rules and Team Members instructions
Always remove jewelry and sharp objects
Always empty your pockets
Always use the Zip Line one person at a time
Always confirm the previous guest has exited before starting
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always wear grip socks


Do not perform flips
Do not land on your head or neck
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not participate if a Team Member is not present
Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level
Do not leave the platform until the previous guest has exited
Do not attempt gainers


Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
Always remove jewelry and sharp objects
Always empty your pockets
Always use the Zip Line one person at a time
Always make sure the landing area is clear before leaving the platform
Always be in control of your body at all times
Always wear grip socks


Do not perform flips
Do not land on your head or neck
Do not dive or pencil dive
Do not participate if a Team Member is not present
Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level
Do not leave the platform until the landing area is clear
Do not attempt gainers

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